Cress appreciation plus a sneak peek!

Hey there,

It’s that time of month again and I couldn’t not post about my love for my baby cat.

As you’re reading this, I’m spending three weeks away from her, and I can guarantee you that I’m absolutely gutted about it but also know that I can’t bring her to Florida with me. As much as I think she’d love Disney and the cruise, I'm pretty certain she’d disagree with me.

And here’s a sneak peek of Disturbed (that yes, I am still working on):

Disclaimer: The below is unedited and subject to change.


At ten minutes to midnight, the three of us made our way from Ollie’s room to wherever this secret meeting place was.

‘So where are we heading?’ I asked in a hushed whisper.

‘The tunnels,’ Ollie replied, his hand squeezing mine. ‘When we were younger, that was how we referred to them in front of our parents and whoever else was lurking and listening in on our conversations. ‘Actual private’ became our code. Welcome to the club.’

I smiled. It was nice to finally feel like I was being included into their secret — like I was joining something exclusive.

Something the boys had shared between themselves and were now allowing me to be a part of.

‘Do you think Leo will tell us anything important?’ Griff asked, and it was something I’d wondered myself ever since Leo messaged me back.

‘I hope so, but I didn’t give him any details about what we wanted to talk about.’ 

We stopped in the hospital wing, because of course we did, and the boys ushered us over to a panel in the wall that was hiding a hidden door. 

The panel looked no different from the others on either side of it — no wonder I’d passed it multiple times since coming to Hawthorn without thinking it was hiding anything suspicious.

There was nobody around us, the corridor entirely empty except for us three, but then again it was the hospital wing at midnight, so made sense there weren’t anybody around.

Bit suspicious the school needed an entire wing for a hospital, right?

‘Why does this place have an entire wing for injured people?’ 

‘They used it as a hospital during the war, Clouds. For once, the Hawthorns were useful for something other than lining their own pockets.’

Huh. Made sense. 

I nodded, absorbing the information and drinking it in like the history nerd I was. It was pretty fucking cool. 

Ollie, bored of waiting for me and Griff to stop talking, opened the door a fraction wide enough for us to fit through. Griff went first, then me second, and I found myself in a dimly lit second hallway.

I voiced my thoughts out loud. ‘This is so fucking weird.’

 ‘You get used to it,’ Ollie said, joining us in the hall and closing the door gently behind him. In the dimmer light, he looked even more handsome than usual. All dark, tall, and brooding. His face half hidden by shadows.

As soon as I have any dates and release details, you’ll be the first to know!

Until next time,

Katie Lowrie


Week three of birthday month sale!


Week two of birthday sale month!