Meeting Stephanie Garber

Hey there,

One thing you should know about me? I love the Caraval series. Like, really love the Caraval series.

In October, I was lucky to attend a signing Stephanie Garber, the author of the Caraval series, did in the Waterstones store in Picadilly, London.

It was wonderful to hear her speak a little about her writing process and I loved hearing her talk about the evolution of Jacks, the main male character within her bestselling Once Upon a Broken Heart trilogy.

If you haven’t yet read either the Caraval trilogy or the Once Upon a Broken Heart trilogy then I highly suggest you do if you love YA fantasy.

I was also lucky enough to have more of her books signed (I own multiple copies of every book of hers and most are signed) and have a little convo with her about my love for Legend.

Hearing her talk made me want to write more of my secret fantasy project! Watch this space…

Until next time,

Katie Lowrie


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