Pure Magic

His face came closer to mine, and my brain began malfunctioning. I knew what it meant. Knew that his face looming closer to mine, his lips puckered, meant he was going to kiss me. And I had a split-second decision to make.

Did I lean in, too?

Or did I back away and make the situation more awkward? He’d opened up a bit, telling me about his dad, and we’d been having such a good date that I didn’t want to be the one to ruin it.

The decision really wasn’t a decision after all.

I moved towards him and placed my lips on his. And when our lips touched? It was magic. Pure magic. Like electricity sparked and crackled between us—a connection I couldn’t deny.

Dean Walters could kiss, that was for sure. And I wanted to fall deeper into his depths.

I just hoped I’d allow myself to.

Until next time,




The Perfect Trifecta