Sneak peek!

Hey there,

While I’m still working on Disturbed, I thought it best to share another little sneak peek.

All subject to change of course as this is a raw, unedited snippet from my first draft doc.


I looked between the door and Leo, trying to decide what was for the best — not that either option was stellar. 

‘Skylar!’ Ollie called again. ‘Can we talk, please?’

Leo tilted his head, his eyes burning into my skin, and I shook my head. Not sure what I was saying no to, but it was something. I opened the door, narrowly avoiding Ollie’s raised fist as he went to knock again. The relief on his face when he saw me woke up the butterflies in my stomach — it was rare to see such a genuine reaction on his face — but his relief soured when he spotted Leo standing behind me.

‘I can see you’ve already got company.’ 

‘Leo was just leaving,’ I said. ‘Weren’t you?’ 

‘Apparently so,’ Leo murmured, his eyes remaining on me. ‘Let me know when we can talk again, Stutter.’ 

I nodded and said, ‘I’ll message you.’ 

It was clear to me that he wanted to say more, but that he wouldn’t with Ollie standing there. Things still needed to be said, and they were too intimate to have a witness. 

Leo walked to the door and with one last longing glance my way, he left the room, throwing a ‘See you two later,’ over his shoulder. 

‘Are you okay?’ Ollie asked, closing the door behind him and stepping into my room. I gave a terse nod, letting out the breath I’d held in waiting for Leo to leave. ‘What did he want?’ 

‘I asked him here,’ I said, my eyes going back to the tiny bottle and note discarded on my bed. ‘I needed to ask him a couple of questions about… everything.’ 

‘Did you get the answers you wanted?’ 

‘Sort of.’ I shrugged, deflated. The heaviness of the last hour finally hit me and I slumped down on my bed. ‘What did you want to talk about?’

Until next time,

Katie Lowrie



