What I’ve got in store for you, 2022

Here we are!

It’s 2022 already and my oh my doesn’t time fly!

I’ve got at least three books planned this year for Katie Lowrie and three (and a bit) for K. Lowrie so it’s going to be a jam packed year!

Here’s my schedule as it stands right now:

Katie Lowrie:

January - Key of Cunning (Bluebeard Re-Imagining)

March onwards - My new series, Rebels of Hollowdale High, books 1 to 3

And then I’ll also be throwing in another re-imagined book if I can fit it in!

I’m hoping to hit all my goals this year, but you never know how life’s gonna go!

K. Lowrie:

February - Acting Out (Model Act Duet #2)

May - Law of Love (Lanes of Love #1)

September - Lies of Love (Lanes of Love #2)

December - Untitled Xmas Novella

As soon as titles are up for pre-order, I’ll let you know here or over in my newsletter.

2021 was amazing, but I can’t wait for 2022 to be even better.

Thank you so much for everything.

Until next time,


Sins of the Sister


My Year In Books (Some Mine, Some Not)