Wither by Lauren DeStefano

Hey there,

Today’s post is another one where I recommend a series I don’t see much love for.

The Chemical Garden Trilogy is a Young Adult Dystopia and it really is something else.

It gives me Handmaid’s Tale vibes.

In a world where females die at 20 and men at 25, young girls are being abducted and forced to breed in a desperate attempt to keep humanity ahead of the disease that threatens to eradicate it.

Our female lead, Rhine, age 16, is kidnapped and sold as a bride to Linden, a rich young man with a dying wife. And even though Linden is kind to her, all she wants it to break free of her gilded cage — plus get away from Linden’s cruel father who is willing to experiment in the name of science.

With the help of a servant named Gabriel, Rhine must do what she can to survive and get out of her situation alive — before she turns 20 and her time’s up.

Even just writing this post has made me want to give them a reread!

What’s your favourite dystopian series?

Until next time,

Katie Lowrie


Week one of birthday sale month!


Weight, perception, and health